Along the Grapevine

Tips on Spruce



This is the best time of year to collect edible evergreens. Not all evergreens are edible, but if you make sure you are picking only spruce or pine, you will be safe. The non-edibles or even toxic include yews, evergreen oleander and hollies.

I have picked spruce tips to begin with, mainly because I have so many on my property, but also because they are easy to identify and very easy to pick. I have not had time to experiment much with them in cooking, but if I wait until I work out more recipes, it will be too late for you to collect them while they are still at this desirable stage. They can be dried for later use, or infused in vinegar or honey or vodka. The new growth on the trees, small, pale green tips on the branches are at their very sweetest now. Just pluck off the small tip as you would a berry, remove the little brown husk covering the tip, and they are ready to use. Try one raw, and chew well to release the citrussy flavour which follows the initial taste of resin.


I am beginning with three methods of preserving: in salt; in sugar; as a sweet syrup. All these are easy to do, and will keep until you are ready to use them. And they are all delicious.

With salt: Blend 1:1 in volume coarse sea salt and tips. Chop in the food processor and spread on a sheet to dry.

How to use: Add to mayonnaise, salad dressing, fish marinade, roasted vegetables.


With sugar: Blend 1:1 in volume sugar and tips. Chop in the food processor and spread on a sheet to dry.

How to use: Use in baking, add to tea, coat the rim of a cocktail glass.


Syrup: Mix together 1:1:1 sugar, water and tips. Bring to a full boil, turn off the heat and let cool in the pan. Strain.


How to use: As a sweet topping, add to drinks hot or cold, soft or hard.


Lambsquarters Triangles on Punk Domestics

Check in later for a special spruce tip dessert I am working on.

Author: Hilda

I am a backyard forager who likes to share recipes using the wild edibles of our area.

28 thoughts on “Tips on Spruce

  1. This is amazing! I can’t wait to see what else you come up with on how to use them. I am definitely going to pick them. Thanks!


  2. How wonderful is that. I have quite a lot of spruce trees in my yard. Will give it a try


  3. Very interesting! And, how odd that I’ve run across two such posts using spruce – check out (they run a farm in Essex that grows Christmas trees)
    The spruce salt sounds very similar to my rosemary salt – both piney and I great on grilled meats.


  4. wonderful! kisses from Italy!


  5. Pingback: Salted Caramel Spruce Ice Cream | Along the Grapevine

  6. Pingback: “Ever Eat a Pine Tree? Most Parts Are Edible.” | grassfood.

  7. We just collected some yesterday, and I love the pleasant flavor. They actually remind me of the green guavas we used to eat– a bit astringent, but good.


    • That’s good to hear. I gather different kinds of spruce have different flavours – and the connoisseurs have their favourites. I can see they might resemble guavas a bit – at any rate, used in moderation, they do offer a good flavour.


  8. I came across an article in a “Food Arts” about Fogo Island near New Foundland. They wrote about how spruce tips have been used for years. They residents would bulk up their tea supply with spruce tips and juniper when their supply was nearing the end. The article also mentions a vodka and ginger syrup cocktail infused with spruce tips that sounded pretty good. Interesting post as always!


  9. Pingback: Chicken Rillettes | Along the Grapevine

  10. Pingback: Spruce Tip Gravlax | Along the Grapevine

  11. Never would have thunk they were edible, Hilda. Thanks.


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  15. Pingback: How to forage and cook with spruce tips (with video for spruce tip jelly) | A Magical Life

  16. Pingback: Dark Spruce Honey Nougat | Along the Grapevine

  17. Pingback: Spruce Tip Bitters | Along the Grapevine

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