Along the Grapevine

Green Tomato Ketchup



I don’t suppose I am the only one who had a lot of unripened tomatoes before the frost hit last week. I picked all I could, and tried to think of the quickest and easiest way of using them, but at the same time making something worth the effort.

Just as I was pondering all this, I came across this recipe by Chef Stef at The Kiwi Fruit for a green tomato drink  which I made one batch of. It was, as she promised, delicious – hot or cold, or even spiked. Something like a salad in a glass.


Wondering what to do with the rest, it occurred to me I had never made ketchup from green tomatoes before, and as ketchup is such a useful staple, it seemed like the best idea for using up the rest of my unripe harvest. In order to make a recipe I could safely can, I looked on line for a tested recipe which you can find here. I made a few changes, adding a bit of ginger, pureeing the mixture and skipping the salting step. I made only half the recipe and ended up with roughly 6 cups.

Green Tomato Ketchup


3 lbs green tomatoes

1 1/2 lbs onion

1 Tbsp salt

1 inch of fresh ginger

1 12 cups cider vinegar

1 3/4 cup sugar

3 Tbsp pickling spices


Chop the tomatoes, onion and ginger and place in a pot. Add salt and vinegar and cook until softened. Puree them in a blender and return to the pot. Add sugar and the spices tied up in a piece of cheesecloth. Bring to a boil and simmer until the mixture thickens, between 40 minutes and a hour.


If you’ve never made your own ketchup before, you will be surprised at how fresh and flavourful it is compared to the store-bought varieties.


Green Tomato Ketcup on Punk Domestics

Besides, there are so many kinds of fruit and spices you can use. Other ketchup recipes I have made are:

Rhubarb Crabapple Ketchup

Tomato Ketchup with Sumac

Highbush Cranberry Ketchup

Wild Grape Ketchup

Linked to Fiesta Friday #91

Author: Hilda

I am a backyard forager who likes to share recipes using the wild edibles of our area.

36 thoughts on “Green Tomato Ketchup

  1. This sounds like a very good recipe. I am going to have to let Connie come take a look at it and see what she thinks It has gotten to the point I about cannot eat any pre-made condiments.


  2. Hilda, as I was reading the posts, I was drawn to the title Green ketchup and thought to myself, this is another creative genius like Hilda…and then I look at the name and it is you, of course!
    Love the green ketchup with ginger! Yum!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks Sandhya. Ginger is good in just about everything, isn’t it.


  4. If only I had known about these recipes sooner. I Just discarded the remainder of my green tomates after using what I needed for a batch of chutney. Making a note for next year.


  5. Great recipe – we didn’t actually plant any tomatoes this year as the past years were so desperate, but looking at your pictures makes me regret it! This time of the year we’d be drowning in green tomatoes!


  6. Oooo I think this is something I will have to try also!! Yummy! Thanks for the mention on my tomato drink too 🙂 xx


  7. What a great idea for green tomatoes. I’ve made chutney with them and cranberry ketchup, will have to try this as we are nearing the end of our season. As like Ginger, I don’t have a summer garden this year because of water restrictions. But the farmer’s market will have them. Thank you for the post.


  8. Oh My Hilda, you are so creative and this green tomato ketchup is a fetcher. … my Lil one loves ketchup -so am gonna try this for her just that I need to haunt for green tomatoes now -I rarely find them here. ..


  9. You do know how to make ketchup Hilda! Good idea that you were inspired by another blogger’s recipe and came up with your own. Here’s another recipe I wish I had as so many green tomatoes went to the compost pile. I would love to try this – guess I will have to make my own. First, Jhuls with banana ketchup and now green tomato ketchup – I love it! Happy Fiesta Friday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m so glad you could make the best of an early frost. The green tomato drink looks delicious, but green tomato salsa is a staple I’d liken my house. Happy FF, and have a fabulous weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. What? It’s that easy? Love that. Looks so homey. 🙂


  12. This sounds wonderful. I wish that I still had some green tomatoes–but they’ve all be used for this year. I have several green tomato recipes that I enjoy making, and am going to add this one to the group for next year.


  13. I didn’t bother to pick some of the smaller green tomatoes, but now I wish I had picked all of them! I did make relish, not pretty-looking but tasty. I think your ketchup beats, though. I love the ginger in it. Next year, then, next year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks Angie. I have put so many things off till next year – there is only so much time when it comes to gardening and cooking.


  15. Hawthorn Ketchup is my favorite, especially with lots of ginger and a bit of heat from cayenne or other chilies.


  16. Have never heard of green ketchup but salsa verde!
    This is just amazing!


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  18. Is it 1 1/2 cups vinegar?


  19. I made a double recipe and it did not thicken up I stopped cooking it and will split it into smaller batches and see if I can thicken it up any other suggestions?


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