Along the Grapevine

Honeysuckle Ice Cream


The flavour of honeysuckle is, as the name suggests, just like honey. And like honey, it can be used to flavour so many desserts, at least as long as the short season allows. If you have a good source of this late spring flower, here is just one way to enjoy its sweetness.DSC03091.JPGI only discovered the honeysuckle growing on our property a couple of years ago, and this year the number of bushes seems to have multiplied. I don’t really believe that is possible – probably I just am able to distinguish them more easily from the masses of lilacs that bloom around the same time because now I know they’re there. In fact, I have spotted honeysuckle regularly on the road, most of the way between here in E. Ontario and New York City, so I know our garden is no exception.DSC02122

Last year I accidentally made a honeysuckle syrup which has been used to flavour many a dessert since then. However, for blog purposes I wanted to come up with something different this year,  and ice cream seemed a good choice. It did not give me the rich red colour of my syrup, or any colour at all to speak of. Next time I will add a few hibiscus petals to brighten the colour. But the flavour was a resounding success, and the idea of honey flavoured ice cream is too good to abandon on account of lack of colour.

Speaking of colour, I did not use a custard base recipe because I didn’t want the egg colour to overwhelm the pink, although if you have yellow honeysuckle, it would be a good choice. The recipe I came up with is kind of a hybrid of frozen yogurt and ice cream, and it was the softest, creamiest ice cream I’ve had yet. And perhaps the easiest I have ever made.

Honeysuckle Ice Cream


2 cups 20% cream

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 cups honeysuckle flowers

1 cup yogurt (preferably full fat)


Heat the cream and sugar until the mixture steams a little but does not boil. Stir constantly to dissolve the sugar. Mix the flowers into the hot liquid and allow them to infuse for a few hours (I left them overnight) in the fridge.

Strain the yogurt through a cloth lined sieve. To speed up this process I put a heavy bowl on top. Strain the flower mixture and add the yogurt to the liquid. Process in an ice cream maker. If you don’t have one, just pour it into a cold bowl, put it in the freezer and stir vigorously every 30 minutes until it is frozen through.


Linked to Fiesta Friday #122, Frugal Hausfrau, and Aharam. Thank you to Angie, Mollie and Aruna for hosting this week’s event.

Related posts: Salted Caramel Ice Cream; Olive Oil Ice Cream with Balsamic Wild Strawberries; Anise Hyssop and Peach Ice Cream; Rhubarb Ginger Ice Cream; Sea Buckthorn Gelato

Author: Hilda

I am a backyard forager who likes to share recipes using the wild edibles of our area.

14 thoughts on “Honeysuckle Ice Cream

  1. This is so gorgeous, Hilda! We had honeysuckle hedges and we learned as children to bite each little flower and suck out the nectar!

    Happy FF!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks amazing Hilda! I have the gold flame variety in my garden and the smell is so fragrant. Now I can make delicious ice cream for this summer! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s always nice to hear from you Linda. I would love to have at least one of the golden bushes, but since mine all just volunteered I shouldn’t complain. Whatever colour, they are beautiful!


  3. Wonderful. I can’t wait to try this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That sounds and looks wonderful, Hilda.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How beautiful and spring/summery! I bet the ice cream tastes divine!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Honeysuckle will frequently naturalize in areas they like and then of course the birds help. Love edible flowers in recipes.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have never tasted honeysuckle! It sounds delicious!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have honeysuckles in my fence lines and they are going to stay there. Nothing smells better than honeysuckles towards evening and the bees love ’em.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Lilac Ice Cream | Along the Grapevine

  10. Pingback: Honeysuckle Sorbet | Along the Grapevine

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